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Silk Painting Artist

Terry Tabor was born in Alexandria, VA in 1955 and currently resides in MD.  She is a self-taught artist who began drawing at an early age.  She inherited her talent from her father, Lee E. Tabor, Sr., an artist in his own right. Terry used to draw off and on while she was married but after having a divorced and raising a child alone…Life got in the way and she stopped drawing. At any rate it took over 25 years before she discovered the pad she used to draw in. Thanks to Terry’s grand kids that ran across her drawings and asked her how to draw. Terry responded by saying she didn’t know how to draw. All those years went by and she forgot she knew how to draw. Thanks to her grandkids she found her passion once again.

 Terry enjoys painting on silk for framed art and one of a kind silk wearables as well as canvas. She successfully completed the Silk Art Painting Courses at the Harmony Hall Regional Center in Fort Washington, MD. She has also studied silk painting under Diane Tuckman, an artist who was born in Egypt. She loves learning new techniques, hosting paint on silk parties, demonstrating easy and fun ways to paint on silk, and teach beginner’s silk painting.

 Terry’s passion is getting inspiration from trees. She specializes in visions and images of people in Trees.  The Bible says: He shall be like a Tree. Planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither and whatever he does shall prosper. (Psalm 1:3)

Terry feels there are messages from trees.   Just take the time and look at a tree. Feel the spirit guide you into a message. See the shape of a tree. They are all different and some are very unusual shapes.

“Be Like a Tree”.

Grow Tall

Be Strong

Bend a little - Go out on a Limb

Remember your Roots

Drink Plenty of Water

Enjoy the Sunlight

Go with the Flow

Give to Others

Be Content with Natural Beauty

Show your true Colors

Get Along with others

Drop it - Let Things Go

Take Time Alone

Be Different

Enjoy the View

Make Something of Yourself@

Poem is on the back of the blank note cards and T-Shirts. (purchase online or etsy)

 Terry feels blessed in being able to share her passions with others.